The Vision

Envisioning The Beloved Community

Imagine The World Guided by Our True Nature

Living in a Culture of Peace

Imagine people breaking free all over the world from fear and pain stuck in the human psyche lead by emotional and mental conditioning and patterning of domination and control to Freely Being the Expansion of our True Nature and Living the Full Expression of Purpose.

Imagine the transformation of daily indignities, devaluing and even persecution of our fellow beings to Living in Joy and Honoring each other.

Imagine witnessing the transformation of critical mass emerging from the collective systemic current world order and mind frame of separation to Living the Profoundness of Unity Consciousness integrated with Mindful Intentions and Actions Permeating the World.

Imagine the Prevention of all Social Ill Manifestations of the World.

Imagine the Absence of Warfare.

Imagine Consciousness permeating our families, neighborhoods, work place, communities and throughout the world…Living in the Beloved Communities.

Imagine the beneficial Awakening for Maintaining the Glory of our Environment.

Imagine Consciousness proclaimed throughout the Voices of our Religious and World Leaders as One Collective Conscious Humanity.

Imagine Consciousness Prevailing throughout the Hearts and Souls of our Parents.

Imagine people of all ages Awakening from the sense of smallness, judgment and lack of worth to knowing the Essence of their Being within themselves and SMILING.

Imagine Consciousness Shining through the Eyes of all our Children.

Imagine Unity Consciousness Echoing throughout the Continents and the dialogue being discussed for new evolutionary solutions.

Cass Charrette

[ Invocation for Humanity ]
[ Vision for Humanity ]
[ Peace Ambassador Training ]