The Essentials of Peacebuilding Skills – Training begins TODAY

The first session of the Peace Ambassador Training begins today Wednesday, January 14 at 8pm eastern time. Your participation in the emergence of conscious peacebuilding skills is integral for this evolutionary shift.

When an evolutionary spark comes along that changes the situation for everyone, most people would like to be there as a new culture is dawning. The barrier commonly faced is that many of our notions of peace appear as a futuristic dream, hard to attain, full of sacrifice, and so much more. The new peace movement involves dynamic interplay between people, circumstances, and co-creating a sustainable future.

Why The Course?

Peacemaking skills are essential. We may struggle with putting peace into practice. We get caught in reactionary emotional patterns of conflict due to our complex world which has been shaped by millennia of violence impacted by physical, psychological and spiritual wounding. When we find ourselves sitting in the fires of worldly challenges we can learn to transmute polarization, animosity, and the deep suffering of the world. 
Peacemaking is one of THE most advanced skill sets we can learn in our world today. Yet most of us have not been trained in how to develop ourselves to be prepared for addressing everyday issues and challenges. We may still back away from heated situations and discussions with family, friends and co-workers. Learning peace building skills allows us to take strong principled stances while holding the capacity for dialogue that would prevent disasters from unfolding within our lives and community.
Cultivating the skills needed to truly create real peace in your life, for others and the world is something that we can learn, develop and live by.
James O’Dea who is the creator of this training has been on the front lines of violence as the directory of Amnesty International. He has traveled around the world negotiating peace in areas with the most intense social unrest, such as working in the war-torn region of Bosnia. James has run social healing dialogues globally discovering powerful practices that allow him to transform difficult (an seemingly hopeless) confrontations into harmonious agreements. As president of IONS (Institute Of Noetic Sciences) James has integrated the most advanced sciences of consciousness transformation into his work. From his life of peacebuilding he has created a program like no other — The Peace Ambassador Training.
During this training James shares along with 21 global leaders ways you can experience deep peace in your daily life, transform conflict and become part of a new kind of global peace movement that is making real change in the world.

Detroit Communal Conference Call

For those who are enrolled we will be having a follow-up conference call that engages further discussion of the course, questions and answers, and dialogue for building the beloved community.